Walking in the Woods

I love every season! And right now I am really enjoying Fall. It’s FINALLY cool, and the leaves are starting to turn those lovely fall colors. Just this morning The Inventor and I went for a long walk with the dog. It was one of those picturesque, cool, crisp fall mornings.

The other day I was walking around in the woods behind our house enjoying one of those brief still and quiet moments in the woods. I stood and watched the leaves fall from the trees, I caught a whiff of that “fallen leaves smell.” Do you know the smell I mean? As a kid we always made huge leaf piles and jumped in them for hours. So there is something about the smell of leaves that I love in the fall. (Maybe Yankee Candles will soon make a “Leaf Pile” candle just for me). Well as I was enjoying my walk in the woods and savoring the quiet and beauty of the moment, listening to the leaves crunch under my foot. I suddenly heard a not so pleasant sound and an instant smell………crunch, crunch…..SQUISH! Eewwwwwww I smell dog poop. Yep in my lovely, reflective moment, I stepped in dog poop!

Isn’t that just how life is though………just when things are going well for you, God sends a little dog poop your way to remind you to trust, rely and seek Him even more. It is so true, when things are going well we often tend to blow God off a bit. But it’s during those difficult times that we cling fervently to Him. It’s also a time of growth and a glorious reminder of the big picture of what really matters in this life.

~Philippians 3:7-8

But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord for whose sake I have lost all things.~

Knowing and serving Christ in this life is what truly matters. If it means bringing some dog poop ( tough times) into my life so that I can better serve Him, then bring on the dog poop!


  1. Oh yeah, I’ve enjoyed all those sensations…the leaves the smell and the poop. Well, actually my poop is just the image, I have cats. But God has blessed me with struggles, and I cling to him, like poop to your shoe, if you will! I wonder if He appreciates that image? I think He has a sense of humor…look at the giraffe. Thanks for the great post.

  2. It has been absolutely gorgeous lately! The weather is such a vivid reminder of God’s creativity, beauty, power, and strength. I’m so glad we get to experience it!

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  3. HA! I always appeciate your humor in your blog! Yet you relate the word of God to our daily life and hustle/bustle… you are a blessing-thank you for listening to the holy spirit and sharing with all who read. Till the next blog 🙂
    Thank you leaving the comment on my blog, it blessed me so!

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